石切の家 House in Ishikiri


用途 専用住宅
家族構成 夫婦+子供2人
場所 大阪府東大阪市
敷地面積 183.63m²(55.55坪)
建築面積 91.74m²(27.75坪)
延床面積 158.57m²(47.97坪)
構造 木造
階数 地上2階
竣工年 2017年
写真撮影 矢野紀行(矢野紀行写真事務所)


2021年 02月
2020年 07月
SENSITIVE HOUSE Nemo Factory/ Housing Culture
2019年 01月
Best of HOUZZ 2019
2018年 08月
2017年 11月

This combined residence and business is located on a gently sloping property on the east side of Osaka. We were involved in the project from the stage of searching for the building site. After considering a number of properties over the course of several years, the clients ultimately purchased this site near a relative’s home. They requested a design that had the atmosphere of a resort, included a space to open an aroma salon, and used a wide variety of different materials.
In addition, because the property is located in a densely developed residential district, we were careful to secure privacy while still aiming for a plan with an open feeling to it.

Our overall guiding image was of light being encapsulated in the center of the house. To achieve this, we created a central void with a skylight above it, and windows on the first and second floors facing the void. Sunlight and reflected light enter this central living room from various directions so that the atmosphere of the interior shifts subtly throughout the year. All the rooms in the house are linked through the void above the living room. On the first floor, which contains the rooms where the family gathers, large sliding glass doors face the southern side of the property, connecting interior and exterior spaces. The bathroom is also connected to an outdoor terrace and second living room, which contributes to the resort-like atmosphere. The aroma salon and bedrooms are located on the second floor, and the salon is accessible directly from the entryway to better accommodate frequent clients. Textured finishes are used throughout the house, including antique brick on the exterior walls, custom-made tiles on the living room floor, glass tiles in the bathroom, and brass fixtures.

House in Ishikiri
Use residence
Family a couple with two children
Location Osaka Pref.
Site Area 183.63 sqmt
Building Area 91.74 sqmt
Total Floor Area 158.57 sqmt
Structure wooden
Stories 2
Year 2017
Photographer Toshiyuki Yano (Toshiyuki Yano Photography)

Publishing / Award

February 2021
Work of 100 up-and-coming design architect & architects making a comfortable house
July 2020
SENSITIVE HOUSE Nemo Factory/ Housing Culture
January 2019
Best of HOUZZ 2019
August 2018
November 2017