此花の小さな家 Tiny House in Konohana


用途 専用住宅
家族構成 夫婦+子供2人
場所 大阪府大阪市
敷地面積 47.84m²(14.47坪)
建築面積 33.15m²(10.03坪)
延床面積 90.91m²(27.50坪)
構造 鉄骨造
階数 地上3階
竣工年 2006年
写真撮影 藤原・室建築設計事務所


2014年 08月
「Small House in Japan」(Equal Books)
2008年 07月
デザインがわかるNo.8 ワールド・ムック726
2008年 02月
住まい.net 関西

This house is located in a dense residential neighborhood in downtown Osaka. The client wanted the house to be bright with good ventilation, but wasn’t sure if it was possible in such a dense neighborhood. We made a 2.5sqmt external lightwell in the middle of the house to bring natural light and breath. We planted a tree there and installed glass walls around the external lightwell, which creates scenery in the house. The bathroom to the living room, the living room to the bedroom on the third floor, kitchen to the garage on the ground floor and kids’ room on the third floor are tied together around the lightwell to create visual playfulness and spaciousness. . We realize the power of a small lightwell in this plan. The lightwell creats the view of the house.

Tiny House in Konohana
Use residence
Family a couple with two children
Location Osaka Pref.
Site Area 47.84 sqmt
Building Area 33.15 sqmt
Total Floor Area 90.91 sqmt
Structure steel
Stories 3
Year 2006
Photographer FujiwaraMuro Architects

Publishing / Award

August 2014
「Small House in Japan」(Equal Books)
July 2008
February 2008
net kansai