住吉の家 House in Sumiyoshi




用途 専用住宅
家族構成 夫婦+子供2人
場所 大阪府住吉区
敷地面積 168.9m²(51.09坪)
建築面積 74.3m²(22.48坪)
延床面積 126.5m²(38.27坪)
構造 木造
階数 地上2階
竣工年 2013年
写真撮影 矢野紀行(矢野紀行写真事務所)

This house stands on a narrow, L-shaped site. We wondered whether there is a design that fits well with the L-shape. The client asked us to make a house where they can enjoy the outside view anywhere in the house. We made a design that uses the uniqueness of the shape of the site by dividing the house into three parts - front, middle and back - and connected them with roofed passages. We landscaped the areas between the buildings so that the passages feel as if they pass through a grove of trees. Each building is visible from one another through the passages and the green plants, which creates a unique view within the house.

House in Sumiyoshi
Use residence
Family a couple with two children
Location Osaka Pref.
Site Area 168.9 sqmt
Building Area 74.3 sqmt
Total Floor Area 126.5 sqmt
Structure wooden
Stories 2
Year 2013
Photographer Toshiyuki Yano (Toshiyuki Yano Photography)